Emissions Compliance

Sustaining Compliance Across Operating Scenarios

Emissions standards are pushing plant owners and operators to do more with less. You may be facing complex, urgent, and expensive decisions to meet a compliance deadline. Or, maybe you were in compliance but need help sustaining compliance or need to get back into compliance. When planning for sustained emissions compliance, it is important to take into consideration the entire plant system and its operational goals.  This approach allows for cost-effective solutions to be discovered, and often there are much less expensive and time-intensive solutions than what was originally planned.


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Our experts understand the interplay of plant production, air pollution control systems, and other variables in the process. We know how gains in one area can impact another and, ultimately, pollutant removal. Through considering various scenarios, taking into account fluctuating conditions, and understanding your operational objectives, we can co-create a plan that gets you the lowest cost per unit of air pollutant removal while making efficiency gains and cost reductions along the way.

Effective air pollutant removal doesn’t start and end with the air pollution control equipment.

What We Do

We do this by reviewing and modeling the entire plant system, understanding your production and operational goals, and evaluating trade-offs between operations, budget, and emissions so that you know you are making the right decisions.

We have supported customers in:

  • Understanding the relationship between process variables and equipment performance
  • Maintaining consistent compliance during all operating conditions, including start up, shut down, and equipment malfunctions
  • Optimizing operations for maximum flexibility and operating margin
  • Making the best use of planned and unplanned outages
  • Monitoring equipment health and performance trends to identify and manage what may put you at risk for non-compliance
  • Developing and analyzing operating scenarios, process improvements, and equipment upgrades in terms of both performance projections and cost

Files & Resources

  • Page
  • Creative Approach, Thoughtful Analysis Saves Two Coal Plants
  • Page
  • Low Emitter Status Achieved with Low-Cost Effort

Meeting NESHAP Rules Through Collaboration and Analysis

Cement Plant Success Story

Recently a cement plant customer was able to celebrate a huge "win" as a result of a collaborative strategy with Neundorfer. Following implementation, emissions levels tested at 70% below the new limit, filling the customer with a new-found confidenc ...

Read the White Paper

"Neundorfer helped a cement plant to remain economically viable and emissions compliant � gaining huge emissions improvements through low-cost upgrades."

Emissions Compliance

Cement Kiln Operation

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