Fuel Changes & ESP Performance

Fuel Changes & ESP Performance

If you have frequent changes in coal supply, or your plant has made the changeover to low sulfur and/or low sodium coal, you may also be experiencing increased opacity or even derates related to the performance of your electrostatic precipitator. SO3 conditioning may just be the solution.

Fly ash resistivity increases when using low sodium or low sulfur fuels, such as PRB coal.  SO3 (or sulfur trioxide) conditioning helps achieve optimal dust resistivity and ESP performance – either molten or granular sulfur can work, depending on the application.  Whether molten or granular sulfur is used, Neundorfer offers unique technology to ensure improved performance. Our patented remote converters make it possible to:

  • Locate the sulfur skid near the sulfur storage, reducing transport hassles

Place the converter near the precipitator, optimizing SO3 temperatures to avoid problem pluggage and prolong catalyst life.


Helpful Resources

KnowledgeBase: Optimizing Corona Power

KnowledgeBase: Reducing ReEntrainment

KnowledgeBase: How Boiler Performance Impacts ESP

Our Capabilities: Analytical & Laboratory Services

Our Capabilities: Predictive Modeling

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Upgrading Precipitator Controls Quickly Improves Performance

Cheswick Controls Success Story

Neundorfer helped Reliant Energy's Cheswick station improve consistency and overall precipitator performance by installing upgraded controls and Precipitator Optimization System (POS) software. ...

Read the White Paper

"The Neundorfer upgrades provide us with better ways to monitor and evaluate precipitator performance."

Bill McGraw

Plant Engineer, Reliant Energy Cheswick Station

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