Industrial Wastewater Treatment Process

Every industrial wastewater treatment system is different with its own set of variables. However, there is a general pattern that tends to be followed in the overall wastewater process design.

  • Collection Basin
    • All of the wastewater is collected in one central location where it will begin the process of clarification•
  • Pre-Screen & EQ Tank
    • Prescreening is the initial screening process that removes any large solids that could damage the process equipment. Then it will then move to the EQ tank where it will be blended together to create a homogeneous solution.
  • Flocculator
    • A chemical solution is added to the equalized wastewater that will encourage the formation of coagulants. The coagulants mixed with the chemical solution creates flocs or large, floatable clumps of solid material.
  • DAF Unit
    • The water then flows into a Dissolved Air Flotation System (DAF) that skims the flocs and other separated floating solids off the top of the water and disposes them as sludge. There are many different types of DAF units depending on the specific plant and their needs.
  • Further Processing/Discharge
    • After the UAF Unit, the water is clarified and moves on to further processing equipment such as filtration, disinfection, or the water is discharged.
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SmartAsh Case Study

SmartAsh Case Study

A large power generation plant needed to improve its fly ash evacuation system and turned to Neundorfer. The system, serving 20 hoppers on three separate precipitators, was upgraded without requiring an outage. ...

Read the White Paper

"We now have a lot more information about the system and its operation, allowing us to solve problems more quickly and operate more efficiently."

System Owner

Coal-Fired Power Plant

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