Misconceptions About Baghouses

Several key misconceptions about baghouses tend to crop up.

Myth 1: Bags Do the Filter

It’s actually the control dust layer that does the filtering. This raises the importance of good start-up practice so that the bags are not blinded and a control layer is able to form. The first 24 “ 36 hours are most critical in a new bag’s life.

Myth 2: Clean Bags Are the Key to Efficient Baghouse Operation

Excessive cleaning knocks off the filtering control layer, leaving the bag media exposed and accelerating bag wear.

Myth 3: Filtering Wears Out Bags

The dominant factor in bag wear is cleaning energy.


Helpful Resources

KnowledgeBase: Introduction to Fabric Filters

KnowledgeBase: Operations & Maintenance

KnowledgeBase: Common Baghouse Misconceptions

KnowledgeBase: Protecting Fabric Filter Bags During Start Up

KnowledgeBase: Use DP Set Points to Prevent Baghouse Over Cleaning

Our Capabilities: Baglife & Troubleshooting

Our Capabilities: Intelligent Baghouse Cleaning Systems

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Upgrading Precipitator Controls Quickly Improves Performance

Cheswick Controls Success Story

Neundorfer helped Reliant Energy's Cheswick station improve consistency and overall precipitator performance by installing upgraded controls and Precipitator Optimization System (POS) software. ...

Read the White Paper

"The Neundorfer upgrades provide us with better ways to monitor and evaluate precipitator performance."

Bill McGraw

Plant Engineer, Reliant Energy Cheswick Station

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