Misconceptions About Baghouses

Several key misconceptions about baghouses tend to crop up.

Myth 1: Bags Do the Filter

It’s actually the control dust layer that does the filtering. This raises the importance of good start-up practice so that the bags are not blinded and a control layer is able to form. The first 24 “ 36 hours are most critical in a new bag’s life.

Myth 2: Clean Bags Are the Key to Efficient Baghouse Operation

Excessive cleaning knocks off the filtering control layer, leaving the bag media exposed and accelerating bag wear.

Myth 3: Filtering Wears Out Bags

The dominant factor in bag wear is cleaning energy.


Helpful Resources

KnowledgeBase: Introduction to Fabric Filters

KnowledgeBase: Operations & Maintenance

KnowledgeBase: Common Baghouse Misconceptions

KnowledgeBase: Protecting Fabric Filter Bags During Start Up

KnowledgeBase: Use DP Set Points to Prevent Baghouse Over Cleaning

Our Capabilities: Baglife & Troubleshooting

Our Capabilities: Intelligent Baghouse Cleaning Systems

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Achieving Sustained Compliance in Waste-to-Energy Facility

Achieving Sustained Compliance in Waste-to-Energy Facility

Poor ESP performance created challenges for maintaining consistent emissions compliance. Since the repairs needed were extensive, and shutdown time would not allow for all work to be completed, a phased plan was put in place. The results were consi ...

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