Precipitator Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Precipitator Solutions

The general process for troubleshooting starts with identifying if the issue is likely a process issue or a precipitator issue. Changes in performance that are isolated to one or a few fields are typically indicative of precipitator issues where general performance issues and powering issues across the box are typically indicative of a process issue.


Helpful Resources

KnowledgeBase: Design & Preformance Requirements

KnowledgeBase: Optimize Corona Power

KnowledgeBase: Major Components Overview

KnowledgeBase: Fuel Changes & ESP Performance

Our Capabilities: Field Services

Our Capabilities: Performanced-Based Maintenance

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Reliable, More Effective Granular Sulfur Feeder

Duke Energy

When Duke Energy's Allen Steam Station started upgrades to the granular sulfur feed system for three of its units, the utility partnered with Neundorfer to reduce emissions and improve reliability. ...

Read the White Paper

"We've spent $0 in maintenance and no downtime attributed to the sulfur feed system since the improvements were made on each unit."

Jerry Ruc

Plant Engineer, Duke Energy Allen Station

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