Strategies for Improvement

Improving Your Precipitator Operation

Improvement or optimization of precipitator operation can result in significant savings. Many specific situations encourage a review of precipitator operation:

  • Deterioration of existing equipment
  • Tightening of air pollution emission regulations
  • Changes in products and/or production rates
  • Frequent forced outages
  • De-rating of production

The key areas for performance improvement are reducing re-entrainment, improving gas flow distribution, and optimizing corona power.


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Helpful Resources:

KnowledgeBase: Reduce ReEntrainment

KnowledgeBase: Optimize Corona Power

KnowledgeBase: Improve Gas Flow Distribution

Our Capabilities: Asset Lifecycle Management

OurCapabilities: Predictive Modeling

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Upgrading Precipitator Controls Quickly Improves Performance

Cheswick Controls Success Story

Neundorfer helped Reliant Energy's Cheswick station improve consistency and overall precipitator performance by installing upgraded controls and Precipitator Optimization System (POS) software. ...

Read the White Paper

"The Neundorfer upgrades provide us with better ways to monitor and evaluate precipitator performance."

Bill McGraw

Plant Engineer, Reliant Energy Cheswick Station

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