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Showing 26 Results
Product Obsolescence Alert: Ceramic Crock Insulators, Support Insulators, and Rapper Shafts
2020-11-09 19:49:35
November 9, 2020: Within the next year, many of our customers will face a purchasing barrier around the following products due to the manufacturer exiting the precipitator market: ceramic crock [...]
Presentation on Operator Consistency and Process Optimization
2019-04-23 17:13:10
This May, Steve Ostanek will be presenting a paper on Creating Operator Consistency and Process Optimization Using Multi-Model Toolkits. If you are interested in the paper, download the paper below! [...]
Winter Volunteer Activities!
2018-12-22 21:20:13
Every year, Terry Cline organizes a group of shoppers for The News Herald’s Clothe-a-Child charity. This year, three of us were able to shop with children for new winter clothes [...]
Maintaining Operations after Internal Damage to Equipment
2018-04-08 20:49:56
When an industrial steam generator experienced a major process upset and damaged their electrostatic precipitator (ESP), they could not shut down to make the necessary repairs. Neundorfer was able to [...]
Atlanta Workshop Added
2018-02-08 19:34:36
With the four workshops this year filling up quickly, we added a fifth precipitator training — Atlanta, June 27 & 28. We hope to see you at an upcoming workshop!
Targeting Maintenance Spending Yields Impactful Results
2017-11-17 15:28:54
Despite regular maintenance, the utility was experiencing precipitator performance issues, resulting in restricted power generation and undesirable opacity levels. Neundorfer worked with the plant to identify the sections that were [...]
NESHAP and the Challenges with Baghouses
2017-07-31 14:08:46
CEMENT: Will your Baghouse Help You Pass or Fail NESHAP Compliance Testing New NESHAP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) have been in place since September 2015. Cement plants [...]
Check out the POS Tutorial Videos!
2017-05-24 14:42:40
Visit our KnowledgeBase page and check out the POS tutorials that we added recently. We hope that these help you to put the system that you have into practice!
Precipitator Improvements and SmartAsh lead to Significant Improvements
2017-03-14 17:04:47
A 440MW mine mouth plant had lost capacity with its hopper evacuation system and was faced with nightly derates to maintain operations. The Rothemhle ESP, the primary particulate control equipment, had 12 [...]
Cement Plant Gains Consistent Performance with Low-Cost Precipitator Improvements
2017-03-01 21:46:39
A Midwestern cement plant needed to balance cost, outage time, and performance gains in order to make the best use of short outages to address the weak links in the [...]