Fly Ash Sales Offers an Opportunity to Turn a Risk into a Revenue Stream

Beneficial ash use represents an opportunity to offset a disposal cost with revenue generation.  There is greater and greater demand for fly ash by marketers, and some states are passing bills that are adding beneficial use components.  While new regulations are targeting un-encapsulated fly ash in ash ponds, they are expected to target disposal in landfills next, which poses a risk to coal-fired power plants.

Precipitator Collection and Fly Ash Sales

Precipitator collection is key to collecting highly salable fly ash.  However, in most plants the precipitator is not the primary pollution control device.  Many customers assume this means that the precipitator needs to be restored to it’s original condition.  That level of collection efficiency usually has diminished financial returns.  With financial and precipitator performance modeling, we can help you can find the ideal precipitator collection efficiency to maximize costs and revenue.  With our experiential knowledge of precipitator improvements, we can also get you to that collection efficiency by planning the most cost-effective path forward.

Get in touch to see how you may be able to monetize your fly ash!

What We Do

We use our proprietary performance models and financial models to help you set fly ash sales goals that make sense for your plant.  After you know where you want to go, we help you get there by identifying the ideal collection efficiency and the most cost-effective method to obtain that collection efficiency.  This allows you to monetize your fly ash with a far lower upfront cost than expected.

Neundorfer has partnered with a national materials marketing firm experienced with coal combustion byproducts to offer a complete program to maximize the marketability of fly ash. We’ve combined their expertise with our understanding of the combustion process and air pollution control equipment optimization to create a one-of-a-kind team that helps you create revenue and reduce O&M costs – guaranteed.


Focus on Operational Flexibility Reduced Derates, Improves Capacity

As the hopper evacuation system struggled to keep up with the collection profile of the unit, nightly derates were required to maintain operations. With improve performance and ash collection profiles, the plant was able to increase capacity, run co ...

Read the White Paper

"Not only were we able to drastically reduce opacity and PM, we were able to increase the revenue from our fly ash sales and improve system capacity. "

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