Gas Flow Modeling for Industrial and Power Applications

Modeling Tied to Real World Results

Neundorfer takes a unique, integrated approach to using flow modeling as a tool for improving the efficiency of air pollution control (APC) equipment, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing equipment maintenance. Because we have decades of experience with implementation, we are able to bring real-world knowledge to the modeling process. This means that you end up with lower total project costs, solutions that address your unique requirements, and results that you can rely on.

Our process also takes into consideration outage timeframes, field experience, and fabrication costs so that realistic scenarios are created and modeled for cost, timeline, and performance impacts. This allows you to identify the best solutions for your budget, your outage timeline, and your operating margin.

Our capabilities in design, fabrication and installation also allow us to bring a complete turnkey process to our customers. This means that your objectives and intent get carried through all aspects of implementation.

Flow Improvements for a Cost-Effective Performance Gain

When most units were designed, emissions regulations weren’t what they are now.  So, sometimes what you have isn’t going to get you where you need to be.  In many situations, flow can be one of the lowest-cost solutions to that problem.  We have helped countless customers improve their flow patterns to improve the collection efficiency of their precipitator.  A baselines assessment can indicate if flow is a potential path for you.  Combining this effort with performance modeling can yield even greater results by identifying what additional items may need to be adjusted to get you the best performance for the money.  If you’re interested in a baseline assessment, get in touch!  We can help decide if this is a good path for you.

What We Do


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Neundorfer has in-house modeling capabilities that include computational fluid dynamics (CFD), physical flow modeling, and field testing. By integrating the technology of 3D graphic design, CFD and physical flow modeling, Neundorfer produces the most accurate output for each project.

Our Process Includes:

  • Understanding Objectives: what results are you trying to achieve, what requirements do you need to meet and where are you now, and what timeline do you need to meet
  • Engineering Review: review drawings, inspection reports, etc. to evaluate the current condition of the equipment
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling: save time and money narrowing in the solution possibilities through the computerized model and confirm the results with the physical model
  • Physical Modeling: construct scale models of the equipment, test, verify, modify and test until the desired solution is identified
  • Performance Predictions: mathematical modeling is used to further clarifying the performance impacts of potential solutions
  • Customer Review: after determining the most cost-effective solutions, we invite the customer to visit our flow modeling lab in Willoughby, Ohio to review the results and discuss recommended solutions
  • Engineering: Fabrication and Installation Plans; after the best overall solution is selected based on model results, detailed engineering plans and drawings are created for fabrication and installation.
  • Fabrication & Installation: ensures precise construction and field implementation so that you realize the predicted results

Opportunities That We Will Explore With You

Neundorfer has many years of experience in multiple areas and are always looking for new challenges. We can apply our experience and capabilities to support you with identifying opportunities for improvement and creating low cost solutions in these areas:

  • Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs)
  • Fabric filters (Baghouses)
  • Selective catalytic reduction systems (SCR)
  • Wet and dry flue gas desulfurization systems
  • Flue gas conditioning systems
  • Sorbent injection and mixing systems
  • Air preheater and heat exchangers
  • Complex duct systems
  • Boiler windboxes

Files & Resources

  • Page
  • Meeting NESHAP Rules Through Collaboration and Analysis
  • Page
  • Cement Plant Gains Consistent Performance with Low-Cost Precipitator Improvements
  • Page
  • Creative Approach, Thoughtful Analysis Saves Two Coal Plants

Maintaining Operations after Equipment Damage

Maintaining Operations after Equipment Damage

When an industrial steam generator experienced a major process upset and damaged their electrostatic precipitator (ESP), they could not shut down to make the necessary repairs. Neundorfer was able to optimize the performance of the precipitator whic ...

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