Changing the Future

Modeling potential scenarios allows you to see into the future so that decisions you make are based on the anticipated results of process changes, equipment improvements, and operational improvements. This identifies paths forward, builds confidence in decisions, and allows for impactful actions to be taken. These tools support asset management decisions, compliance projections, and provides insights into complex engineering and operating options.


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All of our predictive modeling expertise resides in house and includes emissions equipment performance modeling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and scale physical modeling of equipment. We integrate proprietary software, consulting and engineering expertise, and field experiences into the modeling process to help customers analyze the right data to solve problems faster and more effectively. By integrating our implementation experiences, we can help you make decisions that take into account time, budget, and performance.

What We Do

We can use performance modeling to help you:

  • Make asset-related decisions based on scenario planning
  • Create real-time and historical particulate emissions equipment performance modeling
  • Model air quality control system performance to predict future scenarios, to make improvement decisions, and to create operational strategies
  • Measure and optimize fabric filter bag life
  • Make decisions about fuel switching or identify impacts to air pollution control equipment and the associated changes that should coincide with a fuel switch
  • Make decisions around additives or sorbent injection systems including the type of sorbent used, injection placement and rates, and identify impacts on air pollution control equipment
  • Reduce energy consumption


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Files & Resources

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  • Meeting NESHAP Rules Through Collaboration and Analysis
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  • Results-Driven Decisions, Remarkable Results

Paper Mill Gains Operational Flexibility While Reducing Emissions

Paper Company: Optimizing Gas Flow Distribution

A paper company in Wisconsin was contemplating expensive precipitator modifications to reduce emission levels. Through modeling we discovered the same result could be achieved for much, much less by making relatively simple gas flow distribution chan ...

Read the White Paper

"With Neundorfer's help, we were able to increase fuel ash content and boost precipitator ash carbon content without raising stack emissions."

Midwest Paper Mill

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