Power Components

Precipitator powering systems are directly related to precipitator performance. This includes T/R sizing, the size of electrical fields, CLRs sizing, and voltage controls. Often, improvements to the powering system can yield significant improvements to performance and gains in reliability. We are able to design, model, and implement powering system upgrades, as well as supply in-kind replacement parts and components. When looking to replace major components or redesign the powering system, it is important to start with a foundation in data analysis and performance predictions. Our team of engineers and air pollution control specialists are passionate about collaborating with customers to reduce costs and improve performance through simplistic innovation.

Powering Systems Designed to Meet Your Evolving Needs

Sizing Power Components

Matching the size of T/R sets and CLRs to each field’s power demand is key to optimizing the power circuit. The result is improved particulate charging, increased field strength, and enhanced overall collection efficiency. Unfortunately, many of the installed high voltage systems have components that are improperly sized, reducing the collection efficiency of the unit. The most common issues are improperly matched CLR sizes and T/R sets that were selected to be uniformly sized across the unit rather than for the optimal sizing for the field itself. Often, the production and emissions conditions during original design are not the same as they are currently. This set-up is not an efficient way to distribute power across a precipitator. We offer services to determine the optimal configuration for your unit based off of your production needs, budget, physical configuration, and performance demands.



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Often, great efficiency gains and emissions reductions can result from sectionalization. We can design and supply a sectionalization improvement to improve precipitator performance and reliability with components selected for your specific conditions, processes, and performance needs. Sectionalization can result in reduce opacity and outlet emissions, fewer opacity spikes, less sensitivity to failures, and less sensitivity to process changes.

Powering System Components

Precipitator powering and sectionalization are critical for optimal ESP performance. Neundorfer offers conventional Transformer/Rectifier (T/R) sets, high frequency T/R sets, and Linear Reactors (CLRs). We offer direct replacements as well as the design of power components for the best possible performance at your plant, based on the precipitator conditions and process variables.

We also offer Voltage Dividers and replacement control components. Compact, rugged, cost effective and easy to install, Neundorfer voltage dividers enable essential trending and troubleshooting of electrostatic precipitator and voltage control performance in addition to protecting against costly over-voltage damage to T/R sets. We offer two types of voltage dividers, depending on the external environment at your plant.

Files & Resources

Justifying Controls with Opacity-Driven Energy Optimization

Paper Mill Controls Upgrade

At a paper mill in New England, a long-delayed controls upgrade project was cost-justified within eight months of completion. The improved performance and energy savings from an ESP controls project saved the mill an average of $8,000 per month. ...

Read the White Paper

"I wish we had made the upgrade years ago when you first recommended it!"

Project Engineer

Paper Mill

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