Data You Can Use.  Actionable Results.

We are committed to helping you achieve compliance at the lowest cost to your plant. Emissions issues, production capacity, and reliable flexibility can’t be achieved at the lowest cost without looking at the entire industrial process and the impacts on collection efficiency under different operating conditions. Often, when evaluating the potential for improved efficiency we look at the process. Our laboratory services support that intent through providing data points that help us understand how to approach your issue.


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Neundorfer’s team of engineers have decades of application experience which allows us to help our customers solve problems effectively. Sometimes part of the process means gathering a variety of data to better understand what is happening and where the opportunities to improve reside.

Neundorfer’s in house analytical and laboratory capabilities allow us to streamline the process by quickly obtaining data points needed to solve these complex problems. For example, our in house lab can analyze coal, ash and particle resistivity to help improve electrostatic precipitator performance. And, our in house filter bag permeability testing can help determine the causes of short bag life or predict future bag life. The more information we have, the more creative we can be in finding ways to achieve compliance at the lowest cost to you. By connecting these analytical services to your specific issues, you get actionable feedback that you can actually put to use.

Our objective isn’t to get you lab results, it is to get you data that connects to your issues and objectives, and to help you put that data to use, lowering your cost of compliance, finding profit opportunities, or increasing production capacity. That’s what makes us different.

What We Do:

  • Coal fly ash or process dust resistivity analysis (performed in accordance with IEEE Standard 584)
  • Loss on ignition (LOI)
  • Ash Mineral Analysis
  • Ultimate Analysis
  • Ash/dust particle size
  • Performance Analysis
  • Bag permeability testing and analysis

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Achieving Sustained Compliance in Waste-to-Energy Facility

Achieving Sustained Compliance in Waste-to-Energy Facility

Poor ESP performance created challenges for maintaining consistent emissions compliance. Since the repairs needed were extensive, and shutdown time would not allow for all work to be completed, a phased plan was put in place. The results were consi ...

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