Effective Precipitator Inspections

Precipitator inspections should be tied to achieving the largest performance and reliability impacts at the lowest cost. Achieving this means that you know when to perform a full equipment assessment, when to inspect specific areas to investigate performance degradation or changes, and when you don’t need to open any doors. You have limited time and resources to inspect equipment, we can help you prioritize.

We offer full precipitator inspections so that you know where your reliability weak-points are and you can plan to resolve them before they become performance issues. This planning can prove valuable in generating and optimizing maintenance budgets, maintaining reliability and performance, and keeping surprises off the table.

We also offer targeted inspections to resolve specific performance issues, identify the cause of degrading performance, and improve reliability. Using data prior to entering the unit, we are able to make best use of the time available by targeting the inspection to the sections that require the most attention. Our decades of experience reducing operating and maintenance costs mean you get the information and recommendations that will provide the most performance and reliability impact. We can help you create maintenance strategies that work for you.

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What makes us different?

We have over 40 years of experience inspecting and repairing precipitators.  We know the design, common maintenance concerns, and repairs for all OEM precipitators.  Using data, we can make informed assumptions about the internal characteristics of the unit, so the inspection time can be utilized to refine these assumptions and create a targeted plan of repair for both the current, and future outage.  This way, you can better estimate the parts and manpower required during the outage, while cutting down on the number of hours spent inspecting the precipitator!

Our Process

We will start with a design and data review to determine what deficiencies we expect to find.  This allows you to have the appropriate parts and resources available for repairs.

Then, we will perform the inspection to note both long-term and short-term problems, along with repair plans to address each.

Following the inspection, depending upon the outage length, parts availability, and budget available, we can address the items with the highest impact to reliability during the current outage, or help you create plans for future outage.

This way, you are left knowing what the unit looks like now, how it can be expected to perform until the next outage, your greatest risks to reliability, and what’s being left behind for the next outage.

View additional services in performance-based maintenance.

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  • Analysis, Optimized Maintenance Spending, Renewed Performance

Reliable, More Effective Granular Sulfur Feeder

Duke Energy

When Duke Energy's Allen Steam Station started upgrades to the granular sulfur feed system for three of its units, the utility partnered with Neundorfer to reduce emissions and improve reliability. ...

Read the White Paper

"We've spent $0 in maintenance and no downtime attributed to the sulfur feed system since the improvements were made on each unit."

Jerry Ruc

Plant Engineer, Duke Energy Allen Station

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