Baghouse Training

Baghouse Training

Our Baghouse workshops are focused on providing you with the information that you need to effectively, and efficiently, operate and maintain your baghouses.  This interactive, 1-day training will build confidence in your knowledge, and provide you with practical ideas to implement when you get back to the plant.  You will learn strategies to improve your operations, lengthen baglife, and plan for outages and start-ups.  You will leave with a better idea of where the potential is to save money, increase baglife, or optimize operations.

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Often, the answers are in the data.

We take the time to understand your situation, challenges, and objectives so that we can tailor the workshops to best meet each attendee’s needs.  So bring your data, or send it to us ahead of time!

You will learn how the baghouse is influenced by injection systems, fuel changes, and process conditions.  Attend one of our upcoming sessions to gain the knowledge you need, in a way that lets you apply it to the challenges you are facing!


Ideal for anyone in the plant system responsible for the operations, maintenance, or performance of the baghouse.

Take Away

Gain the knowledge you need to apply to your current challenges and objectives.


Open the agenda for the baghouse training 

Upcoming Sessions

Sorry, no upcoming sessions at this time.

Paper Mill Gains Operational Flexibility While Reducing Emissions

Paper Company: Optimizing Gas Flow Distribution

A paper company in Wisconsin was contemplating expensive precipitator modifications to reduce emission levels. Through modeling we discovered the same result could be achieved for much, much less by making relatively simple gas flow distribution chan ...

Read the White Paper

"With Neundorfer's help, we were able to increase fuel ash content and boost precipitator ash carbon content without raising stack emissions."

Midwest Paper Mill

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