Precipitator Training

Precipitator Training

Come with your data.

Leave with practical ideas to implement when you get back to the plant.

Our Precipitator Workshops are focused on providing you with the information that you need to effectively, efficiently, and reliably operate and maintain your precipitators.  We offer three types of precipitator training, depending on your needs.  These are scheduled at the same location on consecutive days, so sign up for one or for both!

Precipitator Basics

The first day is focused on learning the basics of operations, troubleshooting, and maintenance.  Review the agenda for the precipitator basics training!

Precipitator Performance and Outage Planning

For some workshops, the second day is focused on understanding how process influences performance, how to best mitigate upsets at start-up or shut-down, what you can do to improve the reliability and performance of your units, and how to best plan for effective outages.  Review the agenda for the second day of precipitator training!

Using Controls and POS for Troubleshooting, Operations, and Planning

For some workshops, the second day is focused on how to troubleshoot precipitator performance using our controls and software, how to set-up programs in POS to optimize operational performance, and how to use data available to you to plan outages and prioritize maintenance work.

We hope to see you at an upcoming workshop!


Ideal for anyone who is responsible for the precipitator’s operations, maintenance, performance, and environmental compliance.

Take Away

Improve equipment knowledge, troubleshoot problems faster, and reduce maintenance time and costs.

Upcoming Sessions

Sorry, no upcoming sessions at this time.

Meeting NESHAP Rules Through Collaboration and Analysis

Cement Plant Success Story

Recently a cement plant customer was able to celebrate a huge "win" as a result of a collaborative strategy with Neundorfer. Following implementation, emissions levels tested at 70% below the new limit, filling the customer with a new-found confidenc ...

Read the White Paper

"Neundorfer helped a cement plant to remain economically viable and emissions compliant � gaining huge emissions improvements through low-cost upgrades."

Emissions Compliance

Cement Kiln Operation

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